Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend Update

First off, the big guy went 4 for 4 at the plate @ Saturdays game. At least 2 were legit up the middle shots. Good stuff.

Then there was the Dirty DU on Sunday. I had high hopes and left mildly disappointed. I should be pretty happy with my performance, considering I've been running less that once/week, and I turned in a 5 mile trail run @ a ~7:10 pace. My two bike laps were solid, but the effects of the 5 miler were ripping through my legs. Right calf cramped up about 1/2 way through the 1st lap. I downed some Clif Bloks and got through it. It flared up again in the 2nd lap, and I knew I would be in trouble when I got off the bike. And I was. I beat the guy who was on my tail out of the pit, but he caught me and was gone. Then DK came up and passed me. I gave chase, then died. I gave chase again @ the last 100m mark, but again, that lasted all of about 4 seconds before my legs revolted. He beat me by 20 seconds and moved another few points up in the VORS. Darn it.

One thought that keeps haunting me...what if I had done the right thing and popped two endurolytes before the start? Maybe two more @ transition 1? I think that may have been the difference, but I could be wrong. Its done. Time to move on.

Lastly...if you are ever out at Camp Hilbert and see my Garmin Forerunner on the side of the trail, hook me up...I miss my data. Yeah, that's right...I lost another one. Lost the Edge on June 7, 2007. The Forerunner didn't make it a year. So much for the ultra secure quick release retention mechanism. I'm bitter.

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